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How to report an expense


The main ongoing activity is probably reporting expenses as they are done and to allocate them to the right expense category. Thus the application accumulate your expenses and can help you analyse where is the money goes to. In almost each screen of the application you will see the following icon:

Touching this icon, from all screens, will open the form for expense report.

In the expense report form, there are two basic stages:

The first stage will be to choose the expense category that this expense was paid for (rent, food, car maintenance etc.)


For convenience, there are three levels in the expense categories to save you too much work looking for the right category.


So choosing the section (the upper most level), will show in the category field only the relevant categories (and the same goes with the sub category).


If you use the icon in the budget list, the expense category will already be populated

The second stage is to report all the relevant details like sum, payment method notes etc.

Please note the two buttons in the upper part of the screen (marked with arrows). The left one will enable picking a date. The right one, will show you how much  budget to use this category still have.


The last part, after you fill all the data you want, is the recurring checkbox. If it is checked, the application understand that this expense is done every month. Thus, when it build next month budget (you control when it is done) it also replicate those recurring expenses to save you effort.

And of course, please remember at the end to press the green V button (see below)

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