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Finance Manager

 Your tool for budget control!


Finance manager - the way to control your budget


Money is a precious commodity, but unfortunately it flow away much too fast. Most of us feel the need for better management of the way we spend our money, but it is a difficult task. This application will do the trick. By simple process you will quickly see very visibly, how much did you spend? on which categories? where is the main leakage? and so on. all it takes is three simple steps (lets be frank, it is simple but require you to be focuised and actually do it!). Those steps are:


  • Define the expense categories you spend you money on (the application has most of them pre-set)

  • Allocate a budget to each of those categories - keep in mind that the total budget should not be more than your free income!

  • Report each expense you have (ideally immediately after you do it as your mobile is probably with you all the time)


The application will do for you the rest:

  • accumulate the expenses per expense category

  • show you your total budget status and how much is left

  • follow each and every expense category - how much did you spend? how much left to use?

  • you graphically where is your problem lie and much more


Some technical questions for those who already has the application below:



How to set budget?

How to maintain expense categories?

How to report an expense?

How to work with periodical budgets?

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